Sunday, December 11, 2005

Happy Holidays

Is there something so offensive with that statement?

Apparently there is. The religious right are fuming with rage that retailers and even the Christian leader, President Bush, are using the phrase Happy Holidays over Merry Christmas.

There have been suggested boycotts, on-line petitions and national campaigns to end the Happy Holidays phrase and replace it with the more tolerant phrase, Merry Christmas.

I actually commend President Bush for his acknowledgment of other religious holidays during this time of year. That’s right, I actually think he did something right. Although he has upset his fanatical base, President Bush has finally showed some of that compassionate conservatism he promoted during his presidential campaigns. Furthermore, as the leader of a country that is supposed to be open to religious freedom (one of the reasons this country was founded) it makes more sense to say Happy Holidays and not Merry Christmas.

The LA Times reported that Mathew D. Staver, Liberty Counsel President, had threatened to sue a Wisconsin elementary school because the choir concert did not fully recognize Christmas.

Staver stated, “People often think the safest route is to censor Christmas. But to be inclusive, you need to recognize all aspects of the holiday.”

So yeah, Happy Holidays doesn’t do that. Merry Christmas is encompassing to everyone.

Isn’t Christianity supposed to teach of love, peace and tolerance? Didn’t Jesus try to live by these same principles? So why are Christians so mad? If one is secure in their faith, they should be able to recognize and appreciate other individual’s beliefs, right?

This morning a Reverend on CNN answered those questions. He stated Christians should be tolerant of other religions and beliefs. Furthermore, he stated Christians do not receive their spiritual inspiration from department stores and retail outlets, and therefore should not be offended by such advertisements that state Happy Holidays.

So from everyone at Leave of Absence (me) I would like to wish everyone a Happy Holidays!

For all those crazy Christians this offends, here’s something to really get you riled up: Evolution is real!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so i guess this means you got home all right?

5:44 PM  
Blogger JC said...

I like Happy Holidays because it allows me to be lazy! I can start saying it before Thanksgiving and into the New Year.

I am all about that.

6:33 PM  
Blogger JC said...

Oh yeah, I forgot,

Christians are gay!

6:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if by gay you mean happy, then yes there are many christians who are happy.

if by gay you mean homosexual, then yes there are many christians who are homosexual.

this is an edited version of my first draft. i, along w/ several other people, felt it was too inflammatory.

i don't want to bash christians, but the religious right is out of control. everytime they speak they further illustrate their true lack of faith and understanding of jesus' word. they are hateful, not tolerant and often times ignorant of science and history.

9:08 PM  
Blogger JC said...

By the way, I was kidding.

9:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i knew you were kidding jon. but seriously, christians are gay.

just joking.

not really.

yes i am.



12:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If "Merry Christmas" is such a politically incorrect thing to say, then why isn't "Happy Holidays" which is derived from the Old English for "Holy Day?" People better get back to the drawing board. My vote will go to "good special time"

9:46 AM  

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