Tuesday, February 07, 2006

What is a Douche Bag?

I was talking to Jeni on the phone last night and called the new Lou and Harry’s crowd douche bags.

Then I decided to Google douche bags.

Here’s what came up:

The top five links were:
(I voted for him too. And yes, he is a douche.)

IWR Photo Bush Cartoon - The King of the Douche Bags
(Very true)

Rock And Roll Confidential | Your Band Sucks
(Rob Thomas look out!)

The Sardonic Sideshow » Douche Bag Awards
(And douche bag of the year…five time champion George W. Bush!)

Douche - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Wikipedia defines douche as A douche (IPA /du:_/) is a device used to introduce a stream of water into the body for medical or "sanitary" reasons, or the stream of water itself. The word comes from French where its principal meaning is a shower; this is therefore a false friend for speakers of American English. The word can refer to the rinsing of any body cavity but usually applies to the vagina. A douche bag is a piece of equipment for douching: a bag for holding the water or fluid used in douching (the word can also be used as a verb). (See below for slang uses.)

The terms douchebag, d-bag, douche nozzle, bagadouche, and douche for short are also popular derogatory terms of insult or ridicule in North America. Such a person can also be said to be guilty of douchebaggery, or could also be described as being douchey. These terms can mean a variety of different insults, and have become popular in the comedic media:
1. Someone who is annoying, bossy or embarrassing.
2. Someone who is stupid, intellectually challenged or mentally deranged but less than clinically insane.
3. Someone who is unintelligently lying or scamming.
4. Someone who is arrogant, elitist or snobby.
5. Someone whom you don't like.
6. Someone who is socially inept.

The word douchebag was used in a skit for Saturday Night Live in 1980.)

The top image was this (totally awesome):

How do you use the term douche bag? What's your favorite douche bag term, i.e., bagadouche or douche nozzle? I like them all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I first heard the term douche nozzle in a routine performed by stand up comedian Patton Oswalt. SInce that time it has been my favorite variation on my favorite insult, although I admittedly rarely use it. I'm quite fond of calling someone a douche, as it is quicker and allows me to get on with the rest of my day. However, I have found that a well timed utterance of the full douche bag can add weight and severity in certain circumstances.

d-bags sounds ghetto and edits the best word which is silly and pointless.

8:03 AM  
Blogger JC said...

I personally prefer the staunch classic: douche bag. In the right context, it can work wonders. Ask the Monroe County Commissioner. AR-I-ZON-A

I was surprised to see another one your lifet that I liked: bagadouche. I would put this twist on it though. Bag-O'Douche-It is the Irish version of the classic douchebag.

8:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

douche nozzle and bagadouche were my two favorites. i agree, calling someone a douche is a time efficient way of letting them know they are a douche bag. i don't like d-bag either. just say douche.

bag'o'douche, the irish term, is fantastic, espicially if you say it with an irish accent.

douche bag is my favorite insult of all time and it is even better with a good fucking in front of it...fucking douche bag...perfect.

4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how much douche would a douche bag douche if a douche bag could bag douche.

3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a douche bag would bag a lot of douche if a douche bag could bag douche

3:52 PM  

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