Wednesday, February 01, 2006

State of the Union Address, Part I

I will give my response to the State of the Union address in two parts. It's too long for just one post.

Last night I was studying for my pediatrics shelf-exam. I took a break to watch some of the Pistons v. Nets basketball game (damn Nets) and then watch Scrubs at 9.00 PM.

Alas, Scrubs was not shown. Instead, the President gave his State of the Union address. So, instead of an hour of good and thoughtful medical comedy, I had to listen to President Bush lie for over an hour.

President Bush is an accomplished liar. From his days as CEO of Harken and insider trading to his time spent in the Alabama Air National Guard, George W. Bush has been able to dupe millions and millions of people.

In every State of the Union address he has given, he has had a couple of great lies. The best of course was the imminent threat of Iraq to the United States due to Iraq’s mass stockpiles of WMD’s.

So, what lies would President Bush conjure in his latest State of the Union? Would he lie about getting a blowjob? Nah, that could get a man impeached. Instead of just making things up, he provided contradictory statements that further validate this man as one of the worst Presidents the United States has ever seen.

“In a complex and challenging time, the road of isolationism and protectionism may seem broad and inviting, yet it ends in danger and decline.”

Great point. I actually agree with this statement. Isolationism is not a practical policy. Taken out of context, I like where President Bush is going with this.

“Abroad, our nation is committed to a historic long-term goal. We seek the end of tyranny in our world. Some dismiss that goal as misguided idealism.”

That is, tyranny that is profitable to US interests. We don’t care all that much about all the dictators in Africa, the genocide in Darfur or even abuses of civil liberties at home. Do not confuse US pre-emptive war and neo-con foreign policy with “misguided idealism”.

“Far from being a hopeless dream, the advance of freedom is the great story of our time.”

Spying on Americans and the Patriot Act do not count in the fight for freedom. I love the use of vague terms like freedom, tyranny and evil. What does he mean by this? If I were to tell a patient they had heart disease, but never defined what it meant, how could I establish an efficacious treatment plan? However, if one uses vague terms it allows for a little wiggle room when things go wrong. So President Bush is just buying time, because deep down he knows he is full of bull-sh*t.

“Terrorists like bin Laden are serious about mass murder, and all of us must take their declared intentions seriously.”

That is after September 11th, 2001. You see memos beforehand, entitled “bin Laden Determined to Attack Within the United States”, were not important. Now we know he is serious.

“There is no peace in retreat. And there is no honor in retreat.”

This isn’t GI Joe. If the world had not been lied to about this war, retreating would not be an issue. There is no honor in lying and there is no honor in waging an unprovoked war.

“Marine Staff Sgt. Dan Clay was killed last month fighting in Fallujah. He left behind a letter to his family but his words could just as well be addressed to every American. Here’s what Dan wrote: "I know what honor is. It has been an honor to protect and serve all of you. I faced death with the secure knowledge that you would not have to. Never falter. Don't hesitate to honor and support those of us who had the honor of protecting that which is worth protecting."
Staff Sgt. Dan Clay's wife, Lisa, and his mom and dad, Sara Jo and Bud, are with us this evening. Welcome. Our nation is grateful to the fallen, who live in the memory of our country. We're grateful to all who volunteer to wear our nation's uniform, and as we honor our brave troops, let us never forget the sacrifices of America's military families.”

Except Cindy Sheehan…you bitch. How dare you mourn the loss of your son and question Bush’s motives as a leader. He should have you arrested…

This was my favorite part of the speech. I hope everyone can see the doublethink applied here. We should honor the troops who have lost their lives, yet we should not honor those who have lost loved ones who question President Bush’s agenda. Earlier Bush stated only rational and peaceful debate should be used when discussing the long as one’s thoughts do not disagree with his, then he'll have you arrested.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you catch this paragraph from the President's speech tonight?

"Tonight I propose to train 70,000 high school teachers to lead Advanced Placement courses in math and science, bring 30,000 math and science professionals to teach in classrooms and give early help to students who struggle with math, so they have a better chance at good high-wage jobs. If we ensure that America's children succeed in life, they will ensure that America succeeds in the world."

So I guess according to George W. I am no longer a “professional”.

And, apparently the cavalry is on the way!

Unfortunately, I’m really sure what “science and math professionals” (other than those who already teach!) will be willing to go through the hoops to become highly qualified teachers and take a 50% pay cut to prepare our nations youth. I wonder if his plan is to increase our income so that teaching can become one of those “good high-wage jobs”.

I knew we were in need of a Savior in education…who’d a thunk that it’d be George W?

2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i caught that. at first i was going to include it, but i figured you would talk about it, so i left it out. his whole education policy is a joke. you know this first hand. so does mom. what constitutes a professional? does he mean a physician or a lawyer? does he mean a phd doctor? he's a jack-ass.

2:27 PM  

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