Thursday, February 02, 2006

Boehner Beats Blunt

It sounds like a pothead’s political joke.

Is his name really pronounced boner? If it is, his name is totally awesome.

However, John Boehner as a person…not so sure. He handed out checks from tobacco companies to fellow GOP colleagues in the mid-nineties. And recently he has been criticized for accepting gifts from lobbying firms and special interest groups.

Isn’t that why the other jerk-off, Tom DeLay, resigned as House Majority Leader? How long before Boehner falls victim to accepting bribes and committing other unethical crimes?

Hopefully Boehner can keep things straight, erect new bills that are hard on soft money and ultimately climax in ethical ecstasy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you think you're sneaky mr zillgitt, but i am picking up on the inuendo.


10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, his name isn't pronounced BO-ner. I believe it is BEH-ner. He's from Ohio, so he's not all bad. The Washington Post describes him as, "chain smoking," and, "richly tanned."

They go on to say, "(he) has had his share of taint," proving that the establishment either still doesn't get why that is funny, or that they are just a bit funnier than they've been letting on.

Honestly, Boehner is a departure from the modern evils of political corruption and his appointment should usher in a return to the classic, smoke-filled room, closed door meeting type of corruption we all sort of miss when we really think about it.

He has shown an ability to cross party lines, and I actually think that he was the right choice for the Republicans.

11:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i found out it is pronounced behner...but that's wrong. it can only be behner if there is an umlout over the o, which would give the oe vowel combo an long a sound. he's a liar. it's boner until i see that umlout. simple german vocabulary. you're just sticking up for boner b/c he is from ohio....that's fine. i don't mind the boner nomination either, but he has been accused of some unethical activities. whatever, he's better than delay.

jeni, i don't get the clev-er....isn't clever one word?

9:38 AM  

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